Fausto Alvarado

Fausto Alvarado

Fausto Alvarado

Fausto E. Alvarado (Ecuador). Doctor (Magister) in Law, with mention in Market Law from the Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Doctor in Jurisprudence from the Universidad de Cuenca, Diploma in Economic Competition Law from the Universidad Iberoamericana de México: Diploma in European and Spanish Competition Law from the IEB and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Specialization in Competition Law: Escuela Iberoamericana de Defensa de la Competencia, Madrid; Economic Analysis of Law, James Madison University; Development and National Economy, Fu-Hshin-Kan Academy. Taipei-Taiwan. He was the First Ecuadorian Competition Authority, 2009-2011; Senior Manager of Project Development and Academic Director in competition, consumer protection, and regulation at the Kozolchyk National Law Center; President of the Ecuadorian Institute of Competition Law (IEDC). Consultant of the CAN-EU Project for the harmonization of competition rules in the CAN. Responsible and Author of the Organic Law of Regulation and Control of Market Power; Part of the Advisory Group of Experts (GAE) of the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on Competition Law and Consumer Defense, part of the COMPAL project for the Andean Community and Latin America on competition, consumer and regulatory issues. Undergraduate and postgraduate university professor in competition law and consumer protection. (Universidad de las Américas, Politécnica Salesiana, Universidad de Cuenca y del Azuay).