Juliana Oliveira Domingues

Juliana Oliveira Domingues
Juliana Oliveira Domingues is the former Attorney General at the Administrative Council for Economic Defense (CADE) and Professor of Economic Law and Antitrust at the University of São Paulo (FDRP / USP).
Her book "Direito Antitruste”, published by Ed. Saraiva, was considered as "best legal book of the year" (Troféu Cultura Econômica Award in 2008). For a decade he was nominated as leading lawyer in antitrust and international trade (Latin Lawyers, Chambers and Partners, EuroMoney, among others.) Member of the Academic Society of Competiton Law and internationally recognized as leading scholar with several published articles and books. Her book “Brazilian Competition Law: A practitioner's Guide” by Wolters Kluwer is internationally referenced. IBRAC-ESSO Award in 2004 and the IBRAC-TIM Award in 2013 and 2018. She was an Expert Panel Reviewer at the World Bank. She is Leader of the Competition and Innovation Group at FDRP/USP; Adviser of IBRAC; NGA of the International Competition Network; Former National Consumer Secretary, Former President of the National Council for Combating Piracy and of the National Council for Consumer Protection. She is currently CADE's Attorney General. Mother of Gloria and Sofia.
Former National Secretary of Consumer Affairs and Former President of the National Council to Combat Piracy. She is Regional Co-Director at Academic Society for Competition Law. She was Visiting-Scholar at Georgetown University (Georgetown University Law Center).