Sofia Monteiro


Sofia Monteiro

Senior Fellow

Sofia Monteiro is a partner at the law firm Buzzi Signorelli Advocacia, a consultant at Leme Consultores, and a consultant at the World Bank Group.

Sofia Monteiro graduated cum laude in International Relations and Economics at IBMEC/RJ and in Law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. After graduation, she pursued her MSc in Finance at COPPEAD/UFRJ, her LLM in International Business Law at Georgetown and is currently finishing her Ph.D. studies in Commercial Law at the University of São Paulo.

As a Fulbrighter, Sofia also had the opportunity to serve as a visiting scholar at the George Washington University. After two years of working as a private lawyer, Sofia joined the Brazilian Competition Authority (Cade), where she served as a General-Coordinator, responsible for analyzing mergers and monopolization cases in service sectors, mainly focused on Health, Education, Retail and Financial sectors. Sofia left Cade for a Clerkship with one of the Justices at the Brazilian Supreme Court, mainly focused on the Economic Analysis of Law, position which she left with the purpose of focusing on her academic career.